[SPIRITUALITY] 50 of My Top Native American Sayings & Proverbs

[SPIRITUALITY] 50 of My Top Native American Sayings & Proverbs

Wisdom can come in the form of proverbs from many lands, take ancient Native American wisdom for example – opening up your mind could inspire you to appreciate life, circumstances, friends and family a lot more. Here are some of my favourites… Continue reading [SPIRITUALITY] 50 of My Top Native American Sayings & Proverbs

[SPOTLIGHT] The 27 Club

[SPOTLIGHT] The 27 Club

This week we remember a music genius on his 28th death anniversary – iconic “Nirvana” frontman Kurt Cobain – considered “the voice of a generation.” His death marked, in many ways, the end of the brief grunge movement – a signature event for many music fans of Generation X. It was after Cobain’s death on April 5th, 1994 that the “27 Club” phenomenon really started gaining cred. The most infamous number in the history of rock music; “The 27 Club” or “Club 27” is the colloquial name given to a group of influential rock musicians who died at the young age of 27. Continue reading [SPOTLIGHT] The 27 Club

[SOCIAL MEDIA] Brett Mooswa Hilariously Flips The Script On Indigenous Stereotypes

[SOCIAL MEDIA] Brett Mooswa Hilariously Flips The Script On Indigenous Stereotypes

Brett Mooswa from the Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation (Loon Lake) in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada is turning Indigenous stereotypes on their head to create comedy content and raking up a bucketload of followers while at it. Mooswa has some 800,000 on Tik-Tok alone since he started making videos in February 2020. Here’s a look at the cool stuff that’s got the world hooked… Continue reading [SOCIAL MEDIA] Brett Mooswa Hilariously Flips The Script On Indigenous Stereotypes

[SPOTLIGHT] Shamsia Hassani: The Fearless Afghan Female Graffiti/Street Artist Boldly Representing Women Empowerment

[SPOTLIGHT] Shamsia Hassani: The Fearless Afghan Female Graffiti/Street Artist Boldly Representing Women Empowerment

In a follow-up to my last post “Beautiful Afghanistan”, here’s something powerful I came across that deserves to be spotlighted. The Afghan version of Bansky making social statements on the streets! Shamsia Hassani is not only the country’s first female street artist, but one that focuses on Afghan women in ways that are not often seen in more conservative cultures. Continue reading [SPOTLIGHT] Shamsia Hassani: The Fearless Afghan Female Graffiti/Street Artist Boldly Representing Women Empowerment

[IN PICS] Beautiful Afghanistan

[IN PICS] Beautiful Afghanistan

For as long as I can remember, all I saw of Afghanistan was the incessant unrest. Afghans have lived through foreign invasions, civil war, insurgency and a previous period of oppressive Taliban rule in the last 40 years. Photos of death and mayhem and unstable governments isn’t what this beautiful country was before my time. Afghanistan was once a gem on the Asian map. A beautiful country of beautiful people. Here’s proof… Continue reading [IN PICS] Beautiful Afghanistan

[The Bridget Diaries] Pepperwater, Dol Mash, Bad Word Curry… Her Fav Anglo-Indian Dishes Of All Time

[The Bridget Diaries] Pepperwater, Dol Mash, Bad Word Curry… Her Fav Anglo-Indian Dishes Of All Time

As we end this series, I just had to ask Bridget about her favourite Anglo dishes and honestly, her top-5 wasn’t a surprise. They just happen to be my favourites too. Coincidence? Nope! We are just wired that way. Also, taking a deep dive into the background of Anglo cuisine as a whole with this post… Continue reading [The Bridget Diaries] Pepperwater, Dol Mash, Bad Word Curry… Her Fav Anglo-Indian Dishes Of All Time