[INSPIRATION] From Kicking Cancer To Wimbledon Wildcard. The Miracle of Ryan Peniston

[INSPIRATION] From Kicking Cancer To Wimbledon Wildcard. The Miracle of Ryan Peniston

For a kid who endured cancer at age one, undergoing surgery and two gruelling rounds of chemotherapy to making his first-ever ATP tour appearance as a Wimbledon wildcard, Ryan Peniston, 26, continues to defy the odds… Continue reading [INSPIRATION] From Kicking Cancer To Wimbledon Wildcard. The Miracle of Ryan Peniston

[INSPIRATION] Social Impact on the Streets

[INSPIRATION] Social Impact on the Streets

At the peak of the COVID-19 lockdowns, Raj Vinayak Dagwar (24), a software engineer from Pune was having a hard time emotionally. Seven months in and he was completely suicidal. Today, he is impacting lives across the nation by just listening to strangers on street corners. Something he didn’t have when depressed. Something he learned the hard way… Continue reading [INSPIRATION] Social Impact on the Streets

[RECOVERY] Today, I Take Back My Professional Life…

[RECOVERY] Today, I Take Back My Professional Life…

It’s been about five years since I left it all and walked away knowing fully well my body was shutting down and my mind wasn’t coping too well with the news. I ran and instead looked at ways to blank the truth. Today, after all these years of fighting my demons, multiple suicide plans and broken relationships later, I start my first job back in the corporate world as Head of Communications at a US-based Multinational Media Company. It’s time for a comeback I never saw coming… Continue reading [RECOVERY] Today, I Take Back My Professional Life…