[SOCIAL MEDIA] Are You Right-Brained Or Left-Brained?

[SOCIAL MEDIA] Are You Right-Brained Or Left-Brained?

A video went viral recently – a visual illusion to be more precise of a horse walking. But, whether you see the horse walking forwards or backwards is said to reveal whether you are left or right-brained. Take a quick look and choose your side or rather, figure out your inclination. Which way do you see the horse walking? Continue reading [SOCIAL MEDIA] Are You Right-Brained Or Left-Brained?

The Thatcher Effect: 40 Years of Blowing Minds

The Thatcher Effect: 40 Years of Blowing Minds

When a clinical psychologist took to TikTok to explain the phenomenon also called the Thatcher illusion or Eyesmouth-Wrongway earlier this year, it brought back into focus the human brain and the mind blowing ways our head communicates with the rest of the body. Continue reading The Thatcher Effect: 40 Years of Blowing Minds